Monday, March 17, 2008

Matt's Prow

I am opposed to the death penalty, and, as it turns out, execution of all sorts.  My climbing performance on Sunday was illustrative of this aversion to completion.  I took a day trip to Boone, which is no zippy commute, only to climb to the top of and back away from Matt's Prow (v8).  Three times.  

To be sure, the fall is harrowing.  It's not exactly tall, but it is rocky and uneven, and seems to scream "COMPOUND FRACTURE!" or "BACKWARDS CATAPULT!"  One should have a spotter, and I was alone.  Nevertheless, I chose to go ahead and climb on it, and should have finished it.  Otherwise, I should have chosen not to climb on it and expended my effort elsewhere.  There is plenty of elsewhere in Boone.  

The inability of a 26-year-old college grad (who is also uninsured) to make intelligent and mature decisions about which little piece of rock to climb is sad.  The inability of said grad to conjure up some balls and see those decisions through is utterly disgraceful.

And now for my public shaming:

Sorry for all the self-laceration.  Perhaps my upcoming trip to West Virginia will dry my sodden spirits.


sock hands said...

SHAME!!!! sounds like someone needs to get a big organic pad and carry the misty with it.

Anonymous said...

that looks scary as fuck man--but awesome.

sorry i couldn't provide the spot.

I took an early morning trip to the bridge boulders yesterday, and after several defeats on one project, I ended up sending the arete right of the big cave from a stand start after about 30 tried (all of which I on film--it's very depressing). there's definitely a sds and traverse into where i finished that will be cool, but way beyond me.

Ryan Brazell said...

Very nice, Brad. Glad to hear you've continued the intrepid development of that area. I'd like to get there soon.