Tuesday, September 23, 2008


Last Friday, Justin and I found ourselves at Mt. Evans again, on what was so far the chilliest morning of the season.  On previous trips, Justin was charitable enough to allow me to climb on Bierstadt early in the day, with favorable conditions.  By the time we would walk over to his project, Seurat, it would be baking in the sun, slick as marble. This day, however, we headed straight for the merciless crack, with the sun still sequestered to nether regions of the horizon.  After just a few attempts, Justin climbed Seurat, executing with style and grace (and animated facial expressions, as illustrated below). Well done, sir. Well done.

Justin explores the interface between anguish and euphoria on Seurat.


Narc said...

nice pics!

Justin's Blog said...

thank you sir, thank you... you should send those pics my way when you find some time... did you send veritas sds yet?

Ryan Brazell said...

Going up to try it yet again this morning. Commence day number ten...

I'll send you the pictures soon.

Jason Huston said...

Nice work, Justin. Way to get it done for the camera.

Speaking of emailing photos...

Justin's Blog said...

yeah, you're right... i'll get them out to you jason... you should actually shoot me an email with your address. i wrote it down on a post-it note in my car a while back, but lost it.

Ryan Brazell said...

Ugh... I fell off the last hold four times. Day eleven ensues.

Justin's Blog said...

Bummer! You'll send next go... just pull harder next time.

Ryan Brazell said...
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Ryan Brazell said...

Actually, that's the kind of advice I can work with. I'm already toe-hooking, which is about as far as my technical repertoire extends. Grad the big goddamn holds and pull like hell -- that's the ticket!

Justin's Blog said...

you should update your blog ryan... i'm tired of looking at my funny face evertime i go to your site. i'm psyched for utah bro!

Jason Huston said...

It is being noted that it has been one month since the last post.

Look forward to seeing y'all next week.